Elizabeth Norton Gray
A Champion of Hope for a Far Better World
Elizabeth Norton Gray
A Champion of Hope for a Far Better World

Author: Elizabeth Norton Gray

January 5, 2021 Attention: Blue

Me: There is child trafficking in Woodbine. Friend that is also a Law Enforcement Officer: That sucks. Me: There is…

December 21, 2020 The Many Reasons Family Unity Should be a Priority

I know that everyone is so busy out there trying to make sure their family is taken care of. It’s…

December 1, 2020 Finding ZuLia: Awareness: 6 Ways To Spot Child Trafficking

Human trafficking is a dangerous and ongoing battle all around the world, and child trafficking is a form of that…

November 29, 2020 Finding ZuLia- A Recap up to this point in time

What if I told you that I know this is also happening in YOUR TOWN?  WOULD YOU CARE THEN?  (FOR…

November 29, 2020 Finding ZuLia- An open letter

Below is correspondence with a local school that is involved with a child trafficking ring. I am publishing this as…

November 12, 2020 I believe

I believe that every tree is an adventure waiting to be climbed and discovered. I believe that animals are some…

July 2, 2020 An Open Letter to the Woodbine Elementary Board of Education Members

(Because I was excluded from the public meeting that was held this month I have decided to not only email…

June 20, 2020 Attn: Woodbine Elementary School Parents

I think it is important to give our best in the moments that we are in.  Sometimes, handling things to the…

May 11, 2020 The saddest post that ever is (My Covid Era)

It’s Mothers Day.  By the time this post is published it will probably be tomorrow.  My words won’t expire tomorrow…

March 2, 2020 Don’t tell me you wouldn’t be able to give them back……

(I wrote this in 2007. But, I could have written it today because someone just said this to me yesterday.)…