Elizabeth Norton Gray
A Champion of Hope for a Far Better World
Elizabeth Norton Gray
A Champion of Hope for a Far Better World

Author: Elizabeth Norton Gray

July 17, 2024 My Last Visit on Capitol Hill in Washington DC

This past April, I got a seat at the table in the offices of Congressman Kim, Congressman Pallone, and Senator…

May 16, 2024 The Role Christian Faith Can Play in Mental Health

Elizabeth Norton Gray Atlantic Cape Community College General Psychology Professor Bolicki  April 15, 2024             – I have been a…

March 4, 2024 It’s time for Resource (Foster) Parents to have Resources of their own that Can Help Them

23 children. Twenty three. 23 hellos. 23 goodbyes. It’s what I signed up for. It’s what I knew, and hoped…

October 31, 2023 3 Things I wish Sound of Freedom Movie had done differently

         Sound of Freedom hit the theaters by storm during the summer of 2023. While it had…

October 30, 2023 My Child Trafficking Ring Witness Account

  (Names have been redacted but can be given and have been given to law enforcement officials)      Before…

October 26, 2023 Who is Zulia? (condensed)

Who is Zulia? Zulia was a child that I saw amongst many children that were part of a child trafficking…

September 6, 2023 As I continue……

If I haven’t told you already, I have returned back to school.  I am terrified and excited once again as…

January 11, 2023 Child Trafficking Awareness Day

Today is National Trafficking Awareness Day and #wearblueday.  It’s a day set aside to shine a light on a dark…

November 13, 2022 Your Thoughts About Me are None of My Business

Someone shared this image on Facebook and it made me think of my blog: My blog and everything I have…