Elizabeth’s views and opinions on Policy
While Elizabeth pursues her degree in Political Science, this is her vision for America’s future. She is not committed to the Republican nor the Democratic Party. She feels her views are Libertarian Leaning.
Harsher Consequences of Corruption and the Eradication of Child Trafficking
Through harsher punishment of law enforcement personnel, school officials, and harmful citizens involved in human smuggling and child sale we will hold a deeper commitment against child trafficking. With citizen training on how to properly handle the reporting process we can end this silent epidemic of selling children for financial and sexual gain and/or free labor. With preventive measures put in place, our goal will be to keep children, on American soil, safe.
Communities Built on Economic Activity that Benefits All of Its Members
We need to reevaluate our taxation and welfare systems and the ways our communities approach property stricken citizens, retirement planning and our relationships with charities/nonprofits, specifically how they serve the public.
An End to Pediatric Cancer
It’s time to find preventive measures and find the cause for all pediatric cancers. With research attention on prevention and dangerous toxins we can look into the future with hope that a child will never have to suffer though the monster that is pediatric cancer.
Foster Care Reform
Using the latest record keeping technology, we will give foster children the ability to look through their past with the help of their care workers, teachers, and resource parents. In addition, by offering an education in life skills we will give children in the system a better chance of success in their adult life. With additional judicial and public checks of families in the system, committees will be assembled to monitor cases in their communities to make sure custody matters are being treated correctly and promptly. It is important that parental rights are not being violated. This must be done quickly and efficiently.
Terrorism and our Borders
Our borders should be secure for the protection of the citizens of America. This does not just involve the border of the country but also a digital wall to keep small town to big city airports secure. The USA should invest in technology such as a digital wall and surveillance to prevent all forms of terrorism on our homeland.
Gun Violence Prevention
The age to buy a gun should be 21 years old when the human brain has had a chance to further develop.
Mental Health Care
Quality and affordable mental health care should be available for everyone in America normalizing treatment and therefore ending stigma and the shame associated with being treated.
School Choice
Every student should have an opportunity to have a quality education and be adequately prepared for their future. School voucher programs should play a role in a child going to a public, charter, or private school. If a child can find a better “learning fit” a portion of their parents tax dollars should follow them. If a public school does not fit the needs of a child the fault lies on the public school, not the child.
LGBT Rights and Equality
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans deserve to live their lives in peace without violence.
Religious Rights
All Americans should have the freedom to live out their faith in safety.
American manufactured goods should be preferred. Outsourced products should come with further additional tax. All money made from this additional tax should help pay down our national debt. Shop Local. Shop U.S.A.
Education Reform
Education should not be one size fits all. It’s time to step away from standardized testing of children to monitor the work performance of the teachers . We need to take a step towards individualized schooling tailored towards each students learning style.
Race has been a difficult discussion since America’s birth. It’s a conversation that needs to continue, despite its awkwardness, as we all recognize our own unconscious bias.
Women’s Opportunities
We need to continue to break the glass ceiling that prevents women from moving forward in their careers while also supporting women who choose to focus their time and energy to raise their child/children at home.
The Economy
We need tax reform that benefits working middle-class households and to create a system that equalizes the chances of success for America’s small businesses to win in a world full of big corporations.
Elizabeth believes that at the time of a willing sexual act consent is given to have a baby. She believes terminating a pregnancy is ending the life of a human and it is wrong. She also believes that just because she has this view doesn’t mean everyone should have to have this view and cautions that illegal abortion is extremely dangerous. Just like committing to a pregnancy, committing to an abortion has life long effects. Though the scares are unseen, termination of a pregnancy does indeed leave mental scares. Elizabeth is Pro-Child, Pro-Mother, and an advocate for open adoption.
Government and Health
Elizabeth feels that there should be no interference between the two.
Voting rights
To have a voice in this country you should be a legal citizen of The United States of America and produce a form of ID at voting booths. Federal Laws should be instated to prevent election fraud. Shooting it straight, in order to decide what is best for the country of the USA and vote you should be a legal citizen of the United States of America.
Environmental Preservation
An attitude of respect should be given to all fauna and flora and the world that we share.
Criminal Justice Reform
Elizabeth is seeking perspective on this subject.
Veterans Affairs, The Armed Forces and Their Families
Elizabeth desires to hear perspective and ideas on how we can serve and honor veterans and their families. Their sacrifices should be and are appreciated.
Social Security and Medicare
Foreign aid should be cut to regain trust in our social security and Medicare programs. American workers should be able to trust that their current deductions from their pay will be there at time of collection.