To my Bios
April 17, 2021
Dear Kids,
One day when you are looking through your childhood pictures and come across this week I wonder what you will think.
Here is what I hope for you.
-Sometimes the right choice is the hard choice.
-When given a choice to care for someone smaller than you, do it.
-Things aren’t always what they seem to the public eye. Especially when it comes to politics and the media.
-you are worth so much to me that I would risk it all to ensure your safety and fight those that have wronged you.
-in the end your mom stood up for the 10 year old version of herself.
-Women can do many things, including change the world globally.
-Family is about sticking together by any means necessary, even digital dinners.
-People do not know but yet they think they do. Let them. Then sit back and watch as they learn.
-There are many ways to parent and just because a stereotype exists doesn’t mean it needs to be followed.
-No one knows what has happened in your own life like yourself. Do not let anyone tell you different.
-A shoe can change your life