Elizabeth Norton Gray
A Champion of Hope for a Far Better World
Elizabeth Norton Gray
A Champion of Hope for a Far Better World

Author: Elizabeth Norton Gray

May 1, 2021 Dear Zulia

*Originally posted on Dec 2, 2020 on Facebook* Zulia,  Every day I get closer to finding you.  I can feel…

May 1, 2021 What is the difference?

*originally posted on Oct 4, 2020 on Facebook* Yesterday, I was asked what was the difference between the septic explosion…

May 1, 2021 Pray for Zulia

*Originally posted on Facebook on November 11,2020* I saw them.  Different days.  Kids in the back of a car.  Kids…

May 1, 2021 Fix or Close

*This was originally posted on Oct 3, 2020* In my opinion, one thing a child needs more than any toy…

May 1, 2021 About the Cape May County Health Department

*Originally posted on Facebook on Oct 4, 2020* For the people that are inboxing me saying “just call the health…

April 17, 2021 To my Bios

Dear Kids, One day when you are looking through your childhood pictures  and come across this week I wonder what…

April 7, 2021 A letter to the Kids in the Pictures

I only saw you for a moment.  A moment when I was scared and tiny eyes were staring at me,…

February 26, 2021 Motherhood isn’t Linear

Headed home today to see my babies who aren’t much babies anymore.  I still will call them my babies though…

February 22, 2021 Meet “Kara with a K”

Over the last couple weeks while I have been dedicated to helping the “Children of Woodbine” I met one of…

January 5, 2021 Dear Media, (and every reporter on freelance that I have emailed)

Me: There is child trafficking in Woodbine. Media: ……………….. …..Silence is the comment that widens the cracks enough for children…