As I continue……
September 6, 2023

If I haven’t told you already, I have returned back to school. I am terrified and excited once again as I start another semester. Soon I will be heading to Thomas Edison University to pursue a degree in Political Science and continue my fight against Child Trafficking in one way, shape, or another.
I have no idea what the future holds but know God will, as He always has, direct my steps on this path. I ask for prayers as I navigate my way into a Chemistry lab this semester to complete my requirements to earn this degree. It’s been 20+ years since I have really looked at a periodic table. All sorts of feelings are on my heart as I am eager to just finish.
I will be in the biggest balance test of my life as I juggle a heavy course load, mothering, wife stuff, and work but I feel lead to do this. I am committed to my husband and 3 beautiful children while also continuing the call to advocate for the 50+ children I saw while touring WES (with my now 20 year old) in 2009 to the time I served in a seat on the Woodbine Board of Education in 2019.
What I saw happening at WES occur during those 10 years has forever changed me. I was 27, a foster mom, and birth mom of 2 when I first reported the ring to the FBI and got the prosecutor’s office involved. Though I am far less naïve then I was in those days I stand firm that child trafficking has no place in Woodbine let alone a place of learning. I stand with Jesus inside me. Those that are treating children as property should be and will be punished to the full extent of the law and I will fight for this justice till the day I die.
This has cost me so much, including some friendships to decline and/or to end and my Facebook profile to be deleted more than once. However, I know the children that I saw being trafficked is well worth every loss, tweet/X I make, every blog post I publish, and every sentence I speak in their name.
I love children(especially my own) and always have. I have always held a place in my heart for the child with an absent mother and believe that God didn’t just create me for this purpose but has also equipped my entire family for such a stance. I am not fearless but know that victory will be mine with God on my side. As always, asking for prayers as I navigate this new routine.
Much Love,