Your Thoughts About Me are None of My Business
November 13, 2022
Someone shared this image on Facebook and it made me think of my blog: My blog and everything I have said here about Child Trafficking and all of the opinions that have been tossed around about me. Oh how I have poured out my heart and soul hoping that someone, somewhere, out there will read my words and take action. Take action against The New Jersey State Police who are allowing the ring to continue.
Child trafficking is happening in neighborhoods like mine all across America. While others may think I am deranged, I will never waiver in my commitment to the children I saw and the child, Zulia, that I held.
This post here is just a reminder of that.
Dear Zulia,
I was told all the children I saw during the investigation would be saved. That means somewhere out there you are…..,, while I sit here. I don’t know if I will ever see you or hug you again but know I love you. Advocating for you and the others has been one of the hardest things I ever HAD to do. I pray for you every day. I wish this world wasn’t so broken and I wish with all of my heart that this was not part of OUR story.
Call me crazy. I don’t care what anyone outside of my house thinks of me. I answer to my darling 3, my husband, and a God that loves me so much.