Elizabeth Norton Gray
A Champion of Hope for a Far Better World
Elizabeth Norton Gray
A Champion of Hope for a Far Better World
Blog Post

Attn: Woodbine Elementary School Parents

I think it is important to give our best in the moments that we are in.  Sometimes, handling things to the best of our ability is just to survive from one minute till the next. But when life slows down, you may find occasions in your life when you have to circle back and make sure things were handled correctly and if there is any room for improvement.  

The next generation depends on us to look back every once in awhile.  It is in the full hindsight season that you can make room for positive change.   It’s in the moments of retrospective evaluation that growing together as a functioning society can occur. 

I know my “political actions” or “for the love of a fellow small human actions” won’t be favored by some. I type my words here on my blog, open for you to read. However, in full disclosure, my words aren’t specifically for you. 

For now, I write for them. Those that are wanting to learn how to read or count to 100.  Those who want to build rockets or learn how to sew and study fashion. Those that deserve a clean place to do all of those things.

It’s complicated but little people need my voice, now more than ever, and I will forever use my voice for the greater good of all. 

There are some things that should not be passed by. There are some things when a temporary fix will not and should not be accepted. There are some things that just HAVE to be replaced or connected. There are some things that should be invested in for the health and well-being of young minds who have a desire to learn.

Woodbine Elementary School has more than a few embarrassing building problems. In my opinion,and in my opinion alone, I believe the Woodbine Elementary School Building is NOT a healthy or safe learning environment nor is it humanely suitable to be used as a teaching space.  I am not a construction worker, a building inspector, a septic designer, and water tester.  I am a mom. A mom that knows right from wrong and what is clean and what is dirty. 

I am asking the community to hold a strong stance with me. Strict Environmental standards for our child’s learning experience need to be set at Woodbine Elementary School. It’s our job,the parents, to hold the Woodbine Board of Education accountable to adhering to these standards.

I am publicly asking that together, our community, asks the Woodbine Board of Education to take action to prevent, to the absolute BEST of their ability, the deplorable learning environment that occurred on Oct. 29, 2018. The cost really is little when considering the value of a growing mind willing to learn. 

(****Attn WES parents, 

If you are frustrated with the same building and would like to tell me your personal WES building horror stories please reach out to me via email. Hello@ElizabethNorton.com  


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